About Shiatsu massage
Shiatsu is a Japanese massage technique that applies pressure to particular points or sections of the body, using thumbs, palms or elbows. Although pressure is the main method, sometimes shaking, stretching, rubbing or tapping stimulate the body in a variety of ways, providing warmth and comfort altogether. As shiatsu has some meditative aspects deriving from self-healing exercises that coordinate breathing, the mind and body (like Qi Gong), visualization and sensing also constitute the shiatsu technique.
When there is a symptom, reactions normally appear on the surface of the body as a different sensation or sensitivity, which some people find it hard to describe. They are not necessarily located in the affected area, but in other parts of the body, which often coincide with "points" along the related meridians. This is why shiatsu is more effective when the whole body is considered and, in this regard, it is similar to acupuncture.
However, one of the advantages of shiatsu is its mobility and flexibility. Its non-static approach allows to control the muscle tension, which changes according to the posture, and tackles the problem in a different way from acupuncture. It is said that touch is the root of all traditional therapies. In fact, many people receive shiatsu as a means of relaxation. Perhaps it is this comfort that people most enjoy.